new DIY – stitch an elizabethan collar and hat plus the october special

stitched crow wearing a pointy hat and ruffled collar

stitched crow wearing a pointy hat and ruffled collar

It’s the perfect time to make a crow. So Halloweenie! And take your crows next level with a costume, make a super quick and easy ruffled collar and pointy hat. Check out both sewing tutorials below.

get the pattern

water color illustration printed on a a2 size note card with a bug and moth dancing on a branch with the moon behind

Also in the spirit of the season- a brand new note card is in the shop!

make the ruffle

you will need

  • very light weight fabric
  • embroidery thread
  • ribbon
  • optional – button

1.  Cut a long strip of light weight fabric. The strip should be 2 inches wide. I needed 45 inches to make a ruffle that fit my crow. The piece does not need to be continuous – you can join strips if needed.

2.  Fold over the end, make a stitch and knot. I’m using DMC8 embroidery thread.  Begin to gather by making large stitches and pulling to ruffle. Back stitch every couple inches to lock in the gather.  PRO TIP – You can gather on your sewing machine by turning the stitch size to the largest setting and the tension to the highest setting.

3.  To add to the strip fold over the end of another strip and overlap with the original strip. Make one stitch to knot and keep gathering.

4. Test your ruffle for fit.

5. When your ruffle is long enough to fit around the crow’s neck trim off the extra, fold the edge over and stitch. Optional- add a button.

6.  Fold the ruffle at the seam and press. Trim the edge – trimming is also optional but it does give it a more elizabethan and structured look.

7. Add a ribbon to the the end ( or to both ends if not using a button).

a pair of hand stitched crows with elizabethan ruffled collars and pointy hats

Finished! Wind the ribbon around the button or tie a bow.

sew the pointy hat


1. Cut out the template and cut 2 pieces. One will be the lining and the other the exterior. Mark the seam lines on the wrong side of both.

2.  Place the pieces – right sides together- and stitch the curved seam. Clip notches along the curve.

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moths, medals and september project ideas

Welcome to cozy season! Sweata weatha! The official beginning of fall (this Sunday). The seasonal shift is real with a big surge in energy and ideas.

It kicked off with Imagination Day Camp – a workshop at The Squam Art Retreat taught by me and Autumn Song.

(click the image for a larger view)

We did a bunch of exercises to spark ideas and connect with imagination. The point is to get past overthinking and judgment and dive right into action.  It’s fast paced and playful. Play is creative. Clenching down hard on trying to make something awesome often isn’t and is not usually effective at bringing your personal magic into the world.

paper and lace collage moth in my hand

The first exercise was a mysterious box… Each person gets a little box of supplies. Everybody had 30 minutes-ish to respond to a prompt and make something. The prompt was – MOTH.

You can use only the things in the box and basic cutting and attaching tools. We had gluesticks needles and threads, scissors and exacto knives.

This is great to do with a friend either in person or by snail mail – you can create supply boxes for each other and do it over zoom or full on correspondence style.

paper and fabric handmade awards and medals

And we made medals – awards, decorations and citations! This is a rich area for inspiration. We offered a bigger variety of materials and time. We had lots of trims and notions, vintage buttons, scraps, crepe streamers, an abundance of collage materials and paints and markers. Plus pins and some charms.

Making the medals dropped me into an imaginary world with all sorts of made up, stodgy and silly honors like : The Moth of Distinction (given only every 14 years), Golden Fungi, Outstanding Cat Lady, National Treasure etc. etc. I could go on forever. I probably deserve a medal for it.

Maybe you know somebody who deserves an award? This is a great group project with everybody contributing supplies and meeting for a couple hours.

more september project ideas

Golden rod dye – like lots of things in life I found it smelly but good. It’s just starting to bloom here and will be in abundance soon. It delivers a beautiful gold color.  You can find more about my experience here and here is a tutorial here with all the DIY details.

embroidered circular wool book mark on elastic loop

Bookmarks – get out your wool scraps. I love these flowers and these simple heart corners. Speaking of books – my friend Katy and I are narrowing down the October scary vintage book selection for this year- stay tuned. Currently still reading the epic Pachinko and finishing Night Watch.

Wool pentagon sewing box – another great scrap wool project. Find the huge tutorial here.  And while you’re there checkout the wool penny situation.

handmade textile mushrooms in a variety of vintage scraps

Mushrooms!  I love these scrappy calico fungi by- Sarah.

get the pattern button

frog rag doll lounging on a blanket in fall leaves wearing a miniature sweater

Sweata Weatha – The frog pattern is free here. I didn’t make the sweater, it was a christmas ornament altered to fit stuffed frog anatomy. I found this super clever tutorial for making a doll sweater from a sock.

painting supplies on a screen porched at squam lake - the view is a bright and dense forest

Are you ready for fall? Do you deserve a medal?? Reading anything great? Let us know in the comments.

the finished 2024 stitch book and 5 things bringing me joy

stitch book open to 2 page spread- graphic collage with a vintage feel

stitch book open to 2 page spread- graphic collage with a vintage feel

finishing the 2024 stitch book

The pages traveled with me all summer and were assembled a little bit at a time by hand. I love the finished book, it feels substantial in my hands, and it’s evidence of how powerful small, consistent daily effort is. I’m already looking forward to the 2025 stitch book challenge. Look for details at the end of this year.

Don’t see the video above? Please click here.

circus doll production work

Circus folk sewing patterns are in the works. The dancing elephant will be the first released this fall. I’m making lots of circus dolls in preparation for the workshops in LA. I learn a ton in the production phase- after the pattern templates are pretty solid – just churning them out and making little adjustments, trying variations etc. It also helps zero in on the best material choices and testing hand sewing and machine sewing. All super valuable for the workshops and sewing patterns.

I also love this kind of production work. In short spurts anyway. I haven’t had any sewing in the shop for ages and some of these dolls will be available in the shop this fall.

bachelor buttons in a small rustic white round vase

bachelor buttons

Bachelor Buttons were the clear winner in the garden this year. Nobody ate them and they didn’t get any weird plagues. The color is unimaginable. They are definitely on my list for next year. I was also delighted by Mexican Sunflowers and Nasturtium leaves.

creative sparks

A place to start. We have a new one in the Stitch Club every month. The creative sparks (prompts) are medicine for stuckness. They give you:

– A place to start, a shape to contain your ideas. The spark gives you a specific starting point, that’s magic when you’re feeling stuck. The little push drops you into the process instead of waiting for inspiration.

– A fresh perspective on ideas you’ve been sitting on but haven’t gotten your hands and head around yet. A completely novel intersection can appear.

– The spark can push you to explore new themes and styles, expanding your creative and visual vocabulary.

– In the community there is a sense of shared experience and energy. The Sparks have been huge for me – the circus patterns, my workshop at Squam all incubated in creative spark work.

Give it a try – last month’s creative spark was MOTH. I’ll show you some moth inspired work when I get back from Squam.

favorite  painting supplies

*This post contains affiliate links- meaning I get a small commission if you purchase through the link. They are marked with an *asteriks.

I’ve got a handful of favorite painting supplies curated over the past 5 + years of making a painting every single day. It’s super easy to travel with and it’s a huge help in the daily habit department that it’s simple and always ready to go.

paint box – I have a *couple of these. I love being able to curate my own colors. I was finding that I only used a few colors in the prefilled boxes. Plus having an extra white is super handy. This box has removable little pans I fill with watercolor from tubes. I use lots of different brands but *Koi is still my favorite watercolor.

paper- I love Fluid 100. Mostly *hotpress (very smooth) but lately I’ve been loving the *cold press (less smooth).

brushes – The *water filled brushes were life changing. I got them for traveling but have been using them all the time for years.

french overalls

Ignore the mess around me and focus on the majesty of my vintage french workman overalls. They turned up at the last flea market I visited in France this July. I’ve been on the hunt for them forever. The joy is real.

ann wood in her messy painting studio taking an awkward mirror selfy in vintage blue overalls

What’s bringing you Joy this September? Would you rock these overalls? Will you give the creative spark a try? Let us know in the comments and happy almost Fall!

what’s on my worktable – and the flea market report – circus edition

vintage notions and velvet

Mini tetra pincushions. Made from little scraps of my most favorite fabrics and a couple inches of twill tape. A last minute project for the songbird workshops in France with French General. They are quick and easy and could also be filled with lavender or lemon verbena. They’re made from one rectangle of fabric – twice as long as wide. For these little guys it’s 2 inches by 4 inches.

mini pyramid "tetra" pincushions with twill tape hanging loops made from scraps

The rest of my time in France is spent wandering around and shopping for supplies for the French Circus workshop in LA and the Imagination Day Camp workshop at Squam (registration for imagination day camp at Squam closes 7/22). And we have just a couple spots on Sunday left in the Los Angeles circus weekend.

hand stitched teal floral bird posed on a credenza


group of fabric birds posed on a stone garden wall

This flock was made by the first group in France last week – so much birdness!

vintage notions and velvet

It’s all green lights for the French Circus. Sometimes the universe seems on board for an idea. I keep bumping into gorgeous antique and vintage supplies for costuming the circus folk. And I’m finding treasures and inspiration for the top secret “mysterious box” project at Squam this September.

mini tassles

The good luck started before I left. I bumped into a huge collection of vintage millenary supplies at a guilford tag/estate sale. Tons of mini tassels! And a big stack of cotton velvet.

antique brocade fabric and trim and black lace

My first stop in France delivered antique trim and gorgeous brocades – I see caps for dancing elephants, ragged jackets for monkeys and lions and tutus and bicornes for cat acrobats. And look at that pompom trim! I can’t wait to start experimenting with them.

What’s on your worktable this July? Do you need a mini pincushion? Are you reading anything great- I brought Pachinko to France with me – so good.

new sewing tutorial : make a hooded doll cloak

This little doll cloak is made with just one seam and one piece of felt. Magic – it’s almost too easy. Details are optional and there are so many possibilities… Little folks will be delighted by the process and the transformation of this flat shape into a sweet hooded cloak just right for the tiny rag doll.

tiny rag doll wearing felt cape in my hand

doll cloak materials

the template
felt -quality matters- wool or wool blend is best
embroidery thread
embroidery needle
small button or bead

download the template


materials for the doll cloak on a workk table with the tiny dolls

That’s it! That’s all you need. The cloak is assembled with just one little seam and the rest is decorative. You can use any edge stitch and add as much embroidery detail as you like. Find lot’s of edge stitch tutorials here. My first cloak is super simple. Its sweetness surprised me. The result is so delightful I feel like it should have been harder to do.  And it’s just so spot on right for the tiny rag doll.

Cut out the template and use a sharp pencil to poke holes at the ends of the two lines. Pin the pattern to the felt and use a colored pencil or disappearing marker to mark dots at the ends of the lines. Cut out around the template.

Remove the pattern and draw the two lines- connecting the dots.

Cut the lines  – sharp embroidery scissors or thread snips make this easy.

Using matching or contrasting embroidery thread (I’m using 2 strands of embroidery thread) insert your needle close to the edge at the center of the V shape. I used a tiny knot at the end of the thread and I’ll clip the tail super short.

*the commercial break

support the ann wood handmade free pattern library with a happy donation 

Support the always growing free pattern library.

Why is it important to support free patterns? Because they attract a lot of attention. Web hosting has become massively expensive and the free patterns page here drives that cost. It’s a conundrum…

Click here to add your support.


Fold the felt in half and make one little stitch and knot it. Stitch the seam to the point using whatever stitch you like. I’m using a simple whip stitch.

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cardboard shingles, bunny issues, the sideburn verdict and flea market report

The outside of the cardboard house has been on my to do list forever. Two things got me moving:

I happened upon this house. I love everything about it. I’m not going full on folk art but a little color and graphic detail will be just right.

And I made some space. The actual, available work space on my table has been getting smaller and smaller as all the things in progress and essential items encroach. Spending an hour getting organized and reclaiming most of that space made a huge difference. It’s restorative and refreshing and motivating. A chunk of dedicated time and space for a project is magic.

doll house shingles

The bulk of the work, before the fun stuff (finish painting and maybe some window boxes) is the chimney and shingles. The chimney is done with the egg carton stone technique.

I also used some spackle to add a little texture to the walls and cover some of the tape edges.

find more about the cardboard house here


After way too much thought I went with a kind of haphazard fairy cottage shingle situation for the roof. The cardboard is a thin corrugated- pretty stiff -but easy to cut with scissors. The shingle size varies – but mostly around 1 by 1.5 inches. They are glued on in rows with a generous amount of wood glue.

I’ll finish shingling the roof this weekend, sand the chimney and then everything is ready for paint. It’s all going much faster than expected. I’ll be a little sad when it’s done. I’m a process person. Stay tuned for paint details soon.


two rag doll heads- one with sideburns and one without

the captain charmley sideburn verdict

Sideburns were the clear winner. But no sideburns made a respectable showing. So I think I will include an extra template and the option to skip them in the pattern.

Thanks so much for your input – it was super helpful.

two bunnies lounging in the shade of an in progress garden

the bunny situation

A pair of bunnies have been eating my flowers. And parsley. And the tops of my leeks. A couple days ago I saw them siestaing in the shade. I’ve named them Snakkin and Nappin. They were so peaceful and happy and I watched them from the window for a long time. At one point Snakkin was lounging on his back, feet in the air and he reached for the parsley and pulled it down to his mouth for a little bite. Pretty luxurious.  I went down and a confrontation ensued. You can see it here. Apparently I’m terrifying because they have not been back.

tiny round cream colored vase with mini flowers

I’m super into tiny, miss thistle size flowers this year – forget me knots, oakleaf and pinkberry among them. The bunnies do not seem to care for those. So far. I’ve been making mini ceramic vases to hold them. I also planted some wild flowers for mid summer surprises and, for the first time, “Love In the Mist” Miss Jeklly variety. Hoping to dry them- the seed pods are glorious.

a collection of puppets and or dlls in fairytale character costumes

and a flea market report

The first treasure:  tiny puppet/dolls. They are actually a friend’s estate sale find but I had to borrow them and show you. The costumes and expressions are everything. They are giving me all sorts of ideas for new tiny doll wardrobe items.

 a small wood doll with cotton clothes and a red cap held in my hand - the feeling is dutch 1940-ish

Also in the tiny people department this little man who sits and stands looking eternally guilty about something… Also outstanding in features and costume.

portrait of a gray terrier on a purple backround

And finally this needlepoint dog portrait.  I love it and plan on framing it so the moths don’t’ get it.

Are you making a cardboard house? Any great flea market treasures? Do you have a bunny situation?! Let us know in the comments,


new workshops: the french circus and stitched vessels – registration is open!

images of circus dolls and stitched vessels - text overlay ann wood handmade

3 Workshop Weekend Series at French General in Los Angeles – Friday October 11th – Sunday October 13th, 2024

click here for registration

Join me in Los Angeles this October!  You can participate in any or all of the workshops – a significant discount applies if you take all three. All materials supplied!

In a few weeks I’m headed to France and I’ll be shopping with the french circus and stitched vessels workshops on my mind. I love treasure hunting with something percolating in the background- it makes me notice things I might not. The context shines a bright light on stuff that might be missed in the great sea of intriguing things. I want color and stripes and little bells and buttons and trim. Those one of a kind details add so much.  I’m super excited to share all that in the workshop and see lots of woebegone french circus folk come to life.

Find more details below. Or click here to jump straight to registration!


little containers made form scraps

Friday – Stitched Vessel

Aperos and snacks

An evening of conversation and slow stitching. Learn to layer and stitch fabric scraps to form a small vessel. This is an improvisational and meditative process. The technique is simple, flexible and easy to do.

All materials and refreshments provided.

Saturday  – The French Circus –  Elephant And Cat

Coffee, lunch and aperos
Join Ann Wood for a day (or two) of stitching and imagination with the french circus as our inspiration.

Saturday”s workshop includes the elephant and cat and all wardrobe pieces. You will receive patterns and instructions for both dolls and our goal will be to complete 1 dressed figure in our day together. Overachievers might complete both.

We’ll be working with antique and vintage textiles, French General prints and solids, my favorite wool stuffing and treasures collected in France: lace, buttons, notions – magic little details to add to your one of a kind piece.

Basic sewing skills are needed, we will be stitching by hand and machine.

All materials will be supplied.

Optional – if there is a fabric you would love to work with feel free to bring it. It’s also helpful to have a disappearing fabric marker.

Sunday – The French Circus – Lion And Monkey

Coffee, lunch and aperos

Sunday’s workshop includes the lion and monkey and all wardrobe pieces. You will receive patterns and instructions for both dolls and our goal will be to complete 1 dressed figure in our day together. Overachievers might complete both.

We’ll be working with antique and vintage textiles, French General prints and solids, my favorite wool stuffing and treasures collected in France: lace, buttons, notions – magic little details to add to your one of a kind piece.

Basic sewing skills are needed, we will be stitching by hand and machine.

All materials will be supplied.

Optional – if there is a fabric you would love to work with feel free to bring it. It’s also helpful to have a disappearing fabric marker.

Click here for details and registration


the question of sideburns and road sewing projects

It’s a pre-memorial day weekend tradition for me to organize sewing projects so they are ready to go on summer trips. This year there is:  ever present mending, foundation quilt blocks, a new KZ Steven’s top and my stitch book sections – more about those in minute..

linen blue and black check hand sewn top in progress

This is my 4th KZ top. The blue linen is maybe? a tiny bit heavier than ideal for the pattern but the color was irresistible. The hand stitching is my favorite part. The top is cut and assembled on the machine super quickly and then comes with me for the hand finished seams. Hopefully it will be done before July, it’s a perfect travel wardrobe item. I’m headed to France with French General to teach and shop for textile treasures for the October workshops in LA.

20 stitch book pages- fabric collages- arranged in pairs for assembly

stitch book pages arranged for assembly

find the full book assembly instructions here

Also in the hand finishing department – assembling the stitch book. Just like last year I’m leaving my edges raw. It’s slower and more work but it’s the same kind of pleasant and meditative hand stitching as the KZ top – lots of little careful (ideally even) stitches visible on both sides. If you also prefer raw edges the only difference in the directions for making the book is that in step 11 you place the fabric wrong sides together.

There were two big decisions to make before assembling my finished pages- page order and finishing stitch color. If you’re doing visible stitches the thread color has to work with all the very different pages. Last year I chose a medium gray, (super sensible) and that was my plan this year too. The brown was an accident- it just spilled out of a bag while I was working on page order. It’s perfect, a magic color surprise, just right on every page and I love it on the binding too.

So far I’ve got two sections done and the third in progress.

Foundation blocks are also easy to take with a pleasure to pick up and stitch. They don’t require as much attention as all those tiny straight stitches. The foundation blocks are going to cross the quilt finish line this year. Really.

Something else that is definitely going to cross the finish line? Captain Charmly. I have been tormented by his sideburns. It’s an extra-ish step. Tiny pattern pieces. They were in the first draft, came out in the second, went back in in the third- you get the idea…

two rag doll heads- one with sideburns and one without

I think really carefully about what I ask you to do in a pattern. Weigh the effort against what you get – does the detail deliver extra dastardly, extra birdness, extra socksness? Is it essential?

So the question is: are the sideburns worth it? Do they deliver extra Captain-ness? What do you think?

patchwork pouch sewing pattern cover image

Have you got some road sewing planned? This is the perfect time to make your travel sewing kit- get the pattern now at 25% off  (just $6.19!) for the remainder of May.

Are you finishing your stitch book pages? Have you got a favorite travel sewing project? Are you in our out on sideburns?! Let us know in the comments.

in the woodshed with the french circus

circus rag dolls and lacey scraps in a basket

handmade animal rag dolls in circus costumes

The circus has been rolling around in my imagination for a while. It got mixed up in the scraps and fabrics I brought back from France with me. It bumped into an obsession with bicornes and cats and became a collection of rag dolls, a french circus.

patched linen rag doll - circus elephant with ruffled collar and cap with bells

My friend Mickey introduced me to the term woodshedding – in a nutshell it means a period of intense creating, refining, practicing – you can find more here.

The woodshed is my favorite place to be. Completely immersed, making tons of mistakes, failing forward in relentless pursuit of what is already real in my imagination.

circus rag dolls and lacey scraps in a basket

They are rag dolls in their truest form. Simple, spare and playful with an inherent woebegone quality to them. I can’t wait to share them and plans for patterns and a circus workshop are already happening – scroll to the bottom for more on that.

I’ve been working on the mechanics, taking them from ideas to drawings to stitched and stuffed things and feeling for the vibe.

the vibe:  A box with a dusty lid, undisturbed for decades, “CIRCUS” scrawled on the top in pencil has almost faded away. You open the box and find them, sleeping in crumpled paper, frozen in time. All at once you get a full sense of the world they lived in as loved things until the box lid closed a century ago.


Everything I needed for my circus folk kept showing up – a friend sent me a scrap of red silk fringe a little while ago, another gave me a worn linen duvet in a remarkably elephanty color and a box of fabric and trim I got in France a couple summers ago all seemed like they had been waiting to be circus folk.

And the space between the idea and execution was almost nothing. I had the thought and started working. No one heard from me for days. It was glorious. It got me up early and kept me up late. There is so much there to play with – mood and color and sparkles and patterns…

There will be sewing patterns for all these for sure and we’re already putting together a french circus workshop in Los Angeles in October (stay tuned!). I’m looking forward to shopping for supplies in France this summer.

There are more circus dolls on my worktable now – I’m playing with a giraffe and more costumes.  I think the elephant is may favorite so far- how about you?

the 2024 hundred day stitch book – day 99!

The 100 day stitch book project ends tomorrow!

Tomorrow you and I  will complete page 20 and move on to phase 2 – assembling the book. Congratulations on showing up for that process.

What happens when you stitch creatively for 100 days? What happens when you show up consistently even in a small way? You watch yourself think and work and you get insight into that process. That insight teaches you how to access your magic. You start a feedback loop and you give ideas a place to show up.

Creativity is showing up and trying again and again and again. Getting it wrong is part of getting it right. And by right I mean something that sings to you.

slow stich collage panel with shades of blue and teal - a white swan is centered and there are diamond shapes and a fleur de lis

day 99

The 100 day stitch book works because it builds on small, consistent effort. Those efforts compound and become something greater, both in terms of process and physical result. The daily practice builds on itself and gains momentum. You know you can show up because you’ve been showing up. The muscle keeps getting stronger. And the pages, all those stitches, the accumulation of many days, become a book. A substantial reflection of your efforts, a record in marks of 100 of your days.

assembling your pages

The directions begin here– they are in 2 parts – please read both completely.

I’m opting to leave my page edges raw again this year. It’s super simple to do and there is just one change to the assembly directions:

At step 11 in the making the sections tutorial you pin the fabric with the wrong sides together. And hand stitch around the edges. It takes forever. I’m hoping to get started on it this weekend.

Before I start to assemble I go through each page and look for anything I might need to fix- a loose stitch – I accidentally scorched a couple spots – stuff like that. Then decide the order I want the pages appear in, number them and use the page chart in the afore mentioned instructions to lay them out for assembly.

100 days flew by! I’m very curious about your experience. Was this your first time trying a daily practice or is that already part of your life? What did you learn? Will you miss it? (I will). Are you relieved it’s done? (I have some of that too). Let us know in the comments.

how to make a tufted titmouse : a sew-along

The tufted titmouse sew-along begins today! What’s a sew-along? Everybody works on the same project at the same time and shares images if they feel like it. That’s pretty much it.  You can share your images on instagram using #annwoodpattern or in the facebook sew-along group or join stitch club- the ann wood handmade community.

We are using the songbird sewing pattern.

Today we’ll get into the steps for making the tuft – the defining feature- and a couple body details.  First let’s talk about some other tufted titmouse features to consider:

  • the beak is smallish, black, short and symmetrical
  • the eyes are black
  • the tail is pretty short
  • the dominant colors are snowy white, soft grays, a little black and there is an orange patch on its flanks.

Make the bird body from snowy white fabric. For the tuft, wings, feathers etc. you’ll need a little black, a couple shades of gray and maybe some orange (more on that below).  All the fabric should be light weight. It’s also handy to have a fine black sharpie.

download the tuft templates


1. Make your bird in white and add a little black beak. Pro tip – make a few beaks and pick the one that feels just right for your bird,

2.  Mark the center tail 3/4 inch from the edge.

3. Trim to a point and stitch closed.

4. Cut out the crest and head cover pieces from gray and the little beak tuft from black. If you’ve made the cardinal this process is mostly the same with a couple details adjusted

5. Use the head cover template for the tufted titmouse. Pin and then whip stitch it in place.

6. Fold the pointed end of the crest 1 piece.

7. Pin in to the top of the head and stitch around the edge.

8. At the back stitch the sides of the opening together – just at the base.

9. Pin the crest 2 piece the same way – on top of crest 1 and stitch around the edge. Again – at the back stitch the sides of the opening together – just at the base. Feel free to stop adding layers here if 2 feels like enough for you – or – carry on with layer 3.

10. Add the third crest piece.

Read More

new tutorial : make a mini foot stool

There’s a lot to talk about in  the tiny rag doll’s world including the roaring fires upstairs and down in the cardboard house. Pretty luxurious. Jump down to the end of the post for more on that. Let’s start with how to make the sweetest, tiniest, heirloomiest footstool ever.

A note on the house – there is no pattern but you’ll find the measurements and tips for building below.

a sneak peek at miss thistle’s house and tips for building with cardboard

The footstool is super quick and easy. You can make it plain or do some faux needlepoint. I can’t stop making them and have all sorts of plans for the imagery.

Let’s make it – it helps to read through the directions before your start.

download the template

  • the template – download above
  • felt – wool is best
  • embroidery thread
  • glue – i love -ALEENES CLEAR GEL TACKY
  • cardboard
  • stuffing
  • small wood beads
  • craft paint and brushes
  • a basic sewing kit

make a dollhouse foot stool

1.  Pin the template to felt and cut out.  Trace the rectangle onto cardboard and cut 2. Round the corners of your cardboard rectangles.

2.  Optional – embroider the center of the felt  – I made some super simple flowers and leaves.

3.  We are going to fold the felt at this notch.

4. Match up the edges and whip stitch them together (whip stitch means stitch over the edge). Use small tight stitches. Stitch the notch and then continue along the side – stop about 1/2 inch from the point – shown in yellow above. Repeat this at the the three notches.

tiny rag doll sewing pattern

Get the tiny rag doll sewing pattern

She’s just 5 inches tall and fits in the palm of your hand. Perfect for a doll house or somebody’s pocket. And she has a tiny wardrobe: dress, reversible pinafore apron, bloomers and camisole – all included in the pattern.



5. With all four sides stitched your piece should look like this.

6. Turn it right side out – use a chopstick or similar to gently push the corners all the way out.

7. Add a little stuffing.

8. Optional – add a penny- the little bit of weight gives it stability.

9. Insert one of your cardboard pieces.

10. Stitch the edges of  triangle flaps together to close the back.

the finished back and front


11. Paint your wood beads and the edges and one side of your cardboard.

12.  Apply glue to the entire surface of the unpainted cardboard.

13. Glue the cardboard to the back. Press it firmly and place something on top while it dries.

14. Add a drop of glue in each corner and place the beads. Let them dry completely.

Finished! It’s so dear.

make a miniature fire

flames cut from coffee filters and painted orange and yellow - cardboard wood stove in background

The fires are mini led string lights and painted coffee filters. The lights are fed up behind the fireplace and into the wood stove – it was awkward. Also – I cut 3 sides of the wood stove door to make it open and painted the inside black. I so wish I had a flameless flickering votive on hand. It’s on my list… The coffee filters are painted with watercolor in bright yellow and orange on both sides. After they dry, trim them to flamey points and bunch them up a little. Arrange them in front of the lights and you’ve got a miniature fire.

So cozy on a March morning to come home after your tiny chores to sit by the fire with your tiny feet up. Do you need a mini footstool and  roaring fire?! Let us know in the comments and happy spring!