Category: WIP

owl in progress

I’m working on a few things for the shop ( including some birds). I’ll post when they are available – definitely before the weekend.

* If you’re waiting to hear back from me hang in there – I’m going to spend a lot of time over the next couple weeks catching up on email.

a moth and a paper bag

I’ve started working on the next window installation for the Johnson Shop on Orchard street. I’ve only barely started – I figured out what I want to make and it’s going to include some doug rhodehamel style mushrooms. Please go read about his spore project and make a bunch of his mushrooms and plant them. I like the fun and simplicity of the mushrooms and the idea and spirit of the project. Also on the subject of mr. rhodehamel check this out – I love it.

Filed under WIP

coming soon

I’m working on lots of things, including several new cake toppers and they will be available beginning next week. There will also be some little birds, a camp wapameo postcard set and at least one woebegone.

If you would like notice of shop updates please join my mailing list or check back here.

* If you’ve been trying to order for spring and summer 2009 thanks for your patience and there is news coming soon.*


I’m painting a landscape mural this week working from pictures I took last week upstate at Olana and Clermont. I recomend visiting both, even though it was hot as balls I had a fabulous time. Here is some of the scarey looking underpainting.


This is the first 3 feet or so. The entire painting will be about 8 feet long and 30 inches high. When it’s done and installed I’ll let you know where. Here is the same section with the first of many color layers and a few details begun including some peaceful goats sketched in.


I haven’t painted anything in a long time and I’m way, out of practice and slow. Starting anything, especially large-ish projects and most especially painting, always makes me unreasonably anxious. This one gave me hives. I’m very happy in the middle of things but don’t care so much for the beginning or end.


She is a springtime jolly and she went to Cog and Pearl here in Brooklyn yesterday with some other little birds.

birds and boro

Stephen Szczepanek of Sri Threads came for a visit a little while ago and brought me a fabulous present.


Beautiful bits of Japanese indigo and bright floral dust rags. I love them. You can find more about Stephen and these amazing things at his website. I think I’m going to make a bat out one of the dust cloths.

These little birds are on their way to London today for a garden wedding.


I like this photo – I think they look very earnest or maybe sincere. Note on wedding birds/ cake toppers: I’m still making them but not taking orders right now so I can focus on current orders, tackling my massive backlog of email and doing a little restructuring to make everything more manageable for all concerned. If I were to continue without making some adjustments and changes I would certainly lose the rest of my marbles. If you would like updates please join the mailing list or check back here.

This lace and fabric is for some brides and grooms I’m beginning today.


My favorite parts of the bird making process are picking out the fabric and taking the photo when they’re finished. I like the middle parts too – just not as much.