a ship and a bird

I know this is way too many pictures of one little ship, The Meriwether, but I can’t help it. I get ridiculously excited about things the day they get finished, so in a day or two I’m gonna finish another ship and I’ll probably post too many pictures of that one too. I managed to restrain myself from posting a ton of pictures of that little bird in just about every setting you could imagine a little fabric bird in.



And a little bird. This is my whiplash intro post so I had to include a bird.


  1. ok, i don’t think there are enough pictures…. both the bird and the ship are spectacular, i don’t doubt that your are excited when they are finished, i sure am excited when you post about them…. beautiful.

  2. So whimsical. The boat looks almost ethereal floating up there. Just beautiful.

  3. So gorgeous – the ship and the bird! That first picture is amazing. Do you have them posted on Flickr, too? I would definitely add it to the top of my favorites list!

  4. don’t apologize- the photos are wonderful- I want to see more! The ship- wow! I love the lower sail, whatever it is called. And the bird… the ship and the bird together look like the beginning of a great story- A fantastic voyage 🙂

  5. ethereal…the perfect word to describe this beautiful creation!!! of course it looks as though it belongs hanging from that ceiling of your. are these ever available for purchase? do you only do commissions? absolutely lovely! i feel as if peter pan and tinkerbell could be flying along beside.

  6. Oh Ann, I just love both your ships and birds. The ships are just extraordinary, and I love looking at them. The birds are just so cute and look super friendly.

  7. I love the Ships! Ever since I was little I have loved Pirates and obviously Pirate ships and my Mum is going out today to go and get me the stuff I need to make one of your Ships. I love art and tones of my friends think my drawings are amazing and I good at craft too so my Mum reckons I can too. But I know yours are just the BEST!
    Keep making!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. your ship is amazing. so very wonderful! i love your fabric birds, too. cheers, shari

  9. i adore your work, especially the birds. when will you have more for purchase ?

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