
For this week’s whiplash “yarn” I used the old yarn and Elmer’s glue on a balloon technique. The last time I did this was at Camp Nyati in 1975. I had fun making it, popping the balloon inside the hardened yarn was entirely satisfying, it made a dramatic, unexpected noise and everything. I had originally not intended to make an acorn but as soon as I started to wrap the randomly chosen green balloon it declared itself.



For some added whiplash fun, If someone would like to have this little acorn box for their treasures I’m offering it as a gift. Just leave a comment if you’d like to have it; if more than one person wants it I’ll draw a name on Friday.

*clarification* The acorn box is still up for grabs. If you want your name in the hat just say so in your comment and I’ll pull a name on Friday.



  1. ohhh! this is so wonderful! i love it, and if no one has claimed it yet, i would be so proud to call it my own. would you like to trade for it?

  2. Your acorn is really great! It looks like there are 2 layers of yarn. Did you add both layers on top of each other on the baloon? Or did you go back and add in the other layers of yarn? Or am I wrong about the multiple layers?
    That technique is totally new to me, but I want to try it now.

  3. This is so wonderfully creative! Just beautiful. You do wonderful and amazing crafts here! I have really enjoyed looking through them all.

    Congratulations on last week’s whiplash! I knew you’d win with those wonderful little birds!!

  4. ooh, missed the acorn opportunity. thank you so much for bringing this craft back into my consciousness. when we made papier mache balloons my favorite part was popping the balloon and listening to it slowly peel itself away.

  5. This is just wonderful. Very clever. I love the wool felt leaves to go with it. Good finish to the theme. You got me thinking about all those God’s Eyes and yarn collage on burlap I made at vacation bible school back in the Seventies. I discovered your blog via last week’s Whiplash Challenge, a well deserved win. Great job! I humbly request my name be put into the hat.

  6. You’ve got my vote!! What a creative mind you have!! It’s absolutely lovely…I, too, would love to have my name put in the hat.

  7. It is positively enchanting! What a great fun idea. I would love to add my name to the hat! I have made paper mache with balloons like this but I have never done this. Is the glue applied only to the ballon? Thanks for a fun summer activity for me and the kids.

  8. That is so awesome! I love covering balloons with yarn but also haven’t done so in a couple of decades…

    I would also love to be included in the draw for this lovely acorn. I have some little precious stones that would nestle neatly inside.

  9. That is fantastic! The leaves are such a great touch! I can’t resist putting my name in the hat for that. That’s so generous of you!

  10. I just have to ask to put my name in the hat to….its such a covetable little piece.
    By the way absolutely inspired by your project to complete one hundred horses….so much that I am turning over ideas in my head for tackling a project of a similar majestic scale.Thanks for providing the impetus…

  11. I love this! And I’d love to own it. 🙂 How generous to have a drawing for it!!! Nice work.

  12. I did paper mache and balloons in school, but never yarn. Looks like I missed out! This is really beautiful. 🙂

  13. The acorn is great. Please add my name to the hat.

  14. *If* more than one person wants it? Who in their right mind wouldn’t want it? It’s absolutely fantastic! Creative, well executed, original, and cute cute cute! Please add me to the drawing, thank you!

  15. I see, you did first the inner layer, and then the outer layer… very clever 🙂
    Congratulations for winning last week 🙂 I loved your birds 🙂

  16. What a fun little box! I’d love to be included in your drawing.

    I also remember balloons and paper mache, though I haven’t thought of them in a long time. I love the idea of using yarn. Thanks for posting a little how-to – you’ve inspired me to add this to my list of rainy day projects to try.

  17. such a beautiful little acorn – i love the detail on the inside as well…

    please add my name to the growing numbers of folks who would love to have a little piece of your creativity.

  18. […] I received this lovely little acorn in the mail on Saturday. Ann Wood created this for the Whiplash Yarn Challenge. She offered it up in a raffle and I was the lucky winner! Her original post and a follow up How To. The quality of her work is really phenomenal. Every piece of the construction is perfectly executed. What a treat to receive something so beautiful. No Oak trees in sight so it’s sitting pretty in a Vine Maple. I grew up in Missouri along with thousands of Oak trees. Having this little acorn in my studio conjures up very fond childhood memories of collecting and playing with these wonderfully perfect nuts. Thank you Ann! […]

  19. […] For Accessory Month at whiplash I made these little wool felt tassel birds ( design category I guess). They’re an accessory for a doorknob or hook or peg or bedpost or lamp or branch etc., etc. I was gonna take a few pictures of them accessorizing various things around here but I ran out of steam and out of light. Just like the acorn, I’m giving them away. If you’d like to have one just leave a comment to this post with your color preference. I’ll pick three names next Friday, first name picked will get their color choice. […]

  20. Rachel Hubbard

    I adore this acorn!! Squirrels are my passion and the acorn box would be well looked after and loved if it came to reside here. I could never make something so fab! Thanks.

  21. Rachel Hubbard

    I adore this acorn!! Squirrels are my passion and the acorn box would be well looked after and loved if it came to reside here. I could never make something so fab! Thanks.

  22. I come from acorn_satellite.
    And I find a new kind acorn.
    This acorn is very lovely and useful.
    This is fantastic!

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